Sunday, November 10, 2013

The Next Gen And What it Means.... To Me

The Next Gen will be soon upon us, or is currently upon us if you are one of the few lucky one who got their XB1 early from Target. So the question is what does the Next Gen mean to the future of gaming. My answer? I have no clue what so ever unfortunately. I can say however what Next Gen means to me.

To me Next Gen represent a necessary change in gaming. I see what looks like amazing ideas, Knack for example one of the games shown on PS4 looks gorgeous and the game play mechanics looks interesting as Knack ( I'm going to call him Knack ) fluctuates from tiny to gigantic. On the other side of the isle we have Quantum Break for the XB1. While nothing has really been shown about Quantum Break we do know it will run side by side with a show and how we play the game effects the show. Now while I'm not to big a fan of the idea i happen to be tired of the same old things that i appreciate something different. Console gaming i believe has reached or is reaching its pinnacle in terms of graphical abilities and looking forward New IPs and innovative ideas are what going save the future of console gaming. While much has been made about graphics and great third party games and understandably so but to me those things were a given new ideas unfortunately are not. So for me Next Gen represents hope, the hope that creativity hasn't died. A little hope can't hurt right?