Monday, January 28, 2013

Knowing When To Step Away

I remember being 10 years old and my mom reminding me to pick up my brother from the bus stop or else the bus driver won't let him off (my brother has a mental disability and it was very bad back then he is a lot better now and is about to graduate college so you go bro.) yeah yeah i said as i continued to play my game of Soul Edge. Its 4 o'clock in the afternoon and my mom comes home and asks where is my brother. It hits me that i forgot to go pick him up from the bus stop. My mom was furious but not as furious as i was that i left my brother on the bus over a game. Since that day i have always been careful about managing my game time. It is a very important thing to learn those who don't learn it let their whole life be dictated by games. Now my example was a serious example of how things can go wrong and not all situations will be like this but my point remains. We got to know when to step away and get some air. Now if you are over the age of 18 and either have a job or going to school or both this is not about you dude in fact i am proud keep it up dudes/dudettes. This is for those guys who got up this morning didn't take a shower and whose hands are covered in Cheetos dust and are about to pick up their controller.
Fuck you dude i will not pass you the controller! Wash your damn hands, take a shower, eat a good breakfast and do something. Step away from the game. Its fine to go and relax and play games hell if you play games for awhile but when i hear the phrase
all i did today was play games for 24 hours straight
and i can look at your pit stains and tell you are telling the truth it seems like such a waste. I'm going to let you in on a little secret. When you tell people you been playing games for 24 hours its like bragging about getting to first base with your mom; No one is impressed and in fact we are all feel sorry for you afterwards
Go do something it doesn't even have to be productive! I am literally saying go do anything else you don't want games to consume your life. You don't want to be a stupid slacker....ah alliteration.

The Mysterious Creature Known As Original IP

In the safari i am in search of a legendary creature. It is rarely seen anymore some thought it extinct but i know better. I get a glimpse of what i think this majestic creature is. I move closer but ever so slowly as to not disturb it. i am almost there but all of a sudden i step on a tree twig.... damn it got away. I check the footprints that it left behind. Yup there is no mistaking it... this was an original IP. The 3 best selling games of 2012 were all sequels. Same as 2011 and i have a hunkering feeling that 2010 is not much different. So now it is 2013 and the games i find myself most interested in are sequels minus The Last Of Us. In fact besides The Last of Us i don't know of an original IPs in 2013. So How did we get here? Well that is pretty easy to answer. Gaming has now become a risky business. Games are expensive to make and marketing ain't cheap. So when you have a game sell well naturally you want to ride that train all the way home. Lots of games sell on brand alone which means if you haven't had a huge selling game your on the verge of death. Every publisher is looking for a home run when before under normal circumstances a double or single would have been fine. They want COD numbers but not every game has the mass appeal of COD. Now don't get me wrong i don't hate COD. I play it occasionally and while i can't play it for hours on end i get why it is massively appealing. I however won't sit here and say COD hasn't had some bad effects on our culture. COD sells well so naturally you are going to have people emulate it or go in the opposite direction. That means sequel year after year. COD is so big now it sells on brand name alone. The Money that goes into our Habit is immense and unlike movies which plays at theaters and can sell DVDs games have yet to find a movie theater equivalent which means they have one source of income. So what do we do? honestly i have no clue. We can learn to love sequels but eventual every sequel will take it toll on you (I'm talking about you AC.) You can not buy them but i find this to be wrong as well, not buying a game because its a sequel without any regards to its quality is just as stupid as buying a game cause its a sequel without any regards to its quality. The best option i can think of is letting developers know how you feel. Believe it or not they do listen at times. Another thing you can do is fund kickstarters that sound interesting to you. Overall sequels aren't going away anytime soon so we have to get use to it but instead of asking for less sequel we should ask for more IPs .

Sunday, January 27, 2013

Gaming's Inclusion Problem

It's one of the most annoying things i hear from female friends about gaming.I honestly tune my friends out at times when they start this topic on how females are treated. Unfortunately it is also very true. The culture of gaming is surprisingly unfriendly. Its a unforgiving culture but when did this exactly start? Many older gamers claim a time when they were excluded from their peers as nerds and losers and that gaming was a come as you are type environment. I can't say as to how true it is because everyone played some form of a game when i was in school but i can attest that this no longer the case. We as gamers divide ourselves up every chance we get. Are you a Real gamer? or just a casual fan? Did you have a sweet built from scratch gaming PC rig? or are you just a console player? this just the lighter side of this issue. One of the main divisions of course involves female gamers. Let me be clear if you are one of those Gurl Gamerz this is not a defense for you as far as i am concerned you are a part of the gaming problem. No this is for every girl who speak on her mic and is lambasted with names like bitch and whore. This is for cosplayers who have to worry about handsy attendees. This is for men who are tired of being assumed a dick by girls because of the actions on others. Dudes this shit has gotta stop. I get that some people take the attitude that Xbox Live is broken and can't be fixed so why bother. They believe it is a cesspool for racist,homophobic, and sexist assholes . A kind of last bastion of a lesser civilization that has survived the great plague known as growing the fuck up. Yes they huddle together teaching each other they ways of old continuing to refuse to evolve they are the last of their kind. They are like Will Smith from I Am Legend if Will Smith played an Assbag or Dickwad
Regardless if it is the truth or not we can't let it stand simply muting them does not make them go away though it does make them tolerable. We have to be vocal i recommend that at least 3 times a week you tell some ass face on Live the what for. Anymore and you'll be screaming all day. As for you Con attendees i know not all of your are lecherous perverts. This rant is not about you these are for that 1 percent who are. Seriously dudes? You complain that these girls are just there to whore themselves out for attention. That they could not possibly love the series that they are dress as or representing or that if they did not want to be groped they would not dress provocatively. OK let me address all these points Mr. McFeely. First off why does it bug you so much that they are only their for attention? You are clearly not trying to avoid giving them attention so why do you care so much? You act as if they are trying to mind control you with their breast to do their bidding and that the only to break this magical trance is to clearly grope them or make them extremely uncomfortable. A piece of advice when you are unable to stop looking at someone that is your problem not theirs. Don't like cosplay or booth babes? Complain about it to the shows host don't take it out on the girls. Second Why do you care how much they love the series? Maybe she just likes dressing up in costumes. Maybe her brother was watching the show or movie and she thought that the costume looked great. Maybe she is paid to represent the product and if she is why do you care whether or not that she love the series? I like burgers in fact i love them, but i don't get all bitchy trying to find out if the employees at the McDonalds loves them or is just trying to sell me a damn burger.
Now the last point i find the most idiotic it borders on rape apologist i especially find it repulsive. I said it once I'll say it maybe they dress like that because that is how their character dresses. Some women find dressing sexy makes the feel empowered (i myself am the opposite but you know.. to each its own.) but that is not permission to go and grope them or making them uncomfortable (at this point i just repeating myself). Also if we go by this logic that means every guy dressed as batman obviously wants to have dead parents and to deal with sociopaths.
Anyway this is the end of my rant but my point remains. Gaming culture was suppose to be about taking all the people the other groups and cliques didn't want not about deciding whose is and isn't a gamer or who is allowed in the club. When we do that we become exactly the opposite of what gaming is about. P.S. that batman costume is sweet as hell.

The First 2 Hours

Time goes by fast. It is a notion by which many people subscribe to but i never realized it more so than in gaming. As a child with four brothers we would have 5 to 10 hour gaming sessions on the weekends. My mom would often complain about how its anti-social so we brought friends home to play with us during these 5 to 10 gaming sessions. Now that i am older i miss those days as it stands my life is no longer compatible with a 10 hour gaming session. I now have other obligations and duties so it is important to make sure that a game grabs me in the first hour or so that way i am hook and can't wait until i play it again.Many game accomplish this, but others do not.

Assassin Creed 3 was the latter. Now don't get me wrong i don't mind a tutorial level. I feel sometimes they are unnecessary but never has a tutorial level stop me from playing. No Assassin Creed 3 Is unique in the sense that the first 4 hours are tutorial under guise of setting up the story. Assassin Creed 3 expects me to maintain my excitement for four hours (our more depending on how you play) just to play as the main protagonist. This is the equivalent of having your girlfriend tell you she is in the mood but that you must maintain your erection for 4 hours before you two can have sex
AC3 is not a bad game as far as i can tell (though it has some flaws) but it did break my 72 hour rule which is that if i haven't beaten a game and haven't played it within the last 3 days i probably won't beat it. I bought the game in November here it is January and i still haven't beaten it. I find the whole thing unfortunate because i am so far enjoying playing as Connor but i care so little about the story at this point that i just can't see myself continuing to play this for long. Good or bad did not play a role into this decision just time. Time is only matched by money in its value and in some cases not even that. So it sucks when a game can't appreciate your time. Some would claim I am picking on AC3 and that Far Cry 3 does the same as well. I strongly disagree i would argue that Far Cry 3 advertises itself as Skyrim with guns so there is no shock while playing it. AC3 doesn't advertises itself as a 4 hour prelude/tutorial. In the end i think the lesson to be learned from AC3 is that not everyone has insane amount of free time on their hands so it would be nice if games respected this fact stop it with pointless filler. No amount of filler is going to stop a customer from complaining that his game was too short and not worth $60 so lets stop trying to appease them. Good games are good games regardless of the time. So stop wasting mine.

Saturday, January 26, 2013

The Introduction

All my life i felt as if i had something to say. That my voice alone could change the world forever. Then i hit age 16 and realized that i was full of shit. So 5 years later i finally decided why not blog about shit i find interesting like gaming, movies, and geek culture. What can you expect to find here? Honestly just my opinions of our culture and what i feel makes it awesome and shitty at times. So stay tuned.