Wednesday, February 13, 2013

The Line In The Sand

So it has come to my attention that DC Comics has hired Orson Scott Card for their digital version of "Adventures of Superman" now i try not to get political on here because i feel everything is politicized today. I however won't mislead or make any false claims so before i go in on this topic i have to let you know before hand. I was raised by mother and my father who is also a girl. My mom is gay is what I'm saying. I have been around gay people all my life and i support their fight for equality. Now this post isn't about gay rights its about drawing your line. I've heard many of my friends says well "I won't be reading that issue" very loudly as to let me know they stand with me. That kind of irked me. Now don't get it twisted i have no intention of reading it myself but that is because I'm not a superman fan. Orson Scott Card had zero to do with why I'm not reading it. Many of my friend however feel that if they buy it they are betraying me or my mom for some reason. That if they buy this book they are supporting all of Orson Scott Cards beliefs. As some one is very active in gay rights let me be clear if you buy his books, it does not make you homophobe. It means you like his writing. You can appreciate something and not love the artist. As an American i love that Thomas Jefferson help draft the Constitution but does that mean i love slavery? No of course not because most adults can separate Thomas Jefferson the founding father and Thomas Jefferson the person. Just like most adults should be able to separate Orson Scott Card the writer and Orson Scott Card the man who dislike gays. Now don't get me wrong if you want to boycott DC because it personally crosses your line you are personally willing to tolerate or your principles that is fine. I know for some people that this is an extremely tough thing to do especially if you love superman but if your willing to do it that's fine. I personal think the battle of gay rights will be won on the ballot not the comic prints but that's just me. If you want to boycott go ahead but please don't tell somebody who is not boycotting that by buying that issue they are approving of Orson Scott Card message. It's wrong to guilt trip people to join your side. People want to read what interest them and it just so happens that a big homophobe is writing that story.

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