Saturday, February 2, 2013

When Fun Is More Important Than Winning

You to play to win is a phrase heard a lot in sports. It is a simple phrase that sums up why you step out onto the court. It is the goal of every man or woman in competition. You want to win. It is generally one of the truer statements in life. I of course say generally because this is not always true. There are times when winning is simply a bonus after achieving your actual goal, which is having fun. To give you an example i had planned on playing Black Ops 2 with a buddy of mine but he unfortunately could not play so i was on my own. My first game i was with a group of dudes. Now they weren't a clan as far as i could tell but they were obviously friends who were in a party. I could hear one of them on the mic. His husky voice burst over the mic screaming "Pick Raid! Pick Raid!" (He must of had a lapse in judgement because everyone knows when you scream out a map everyone choose something else just to piss you off.) seeing that he map didn't get picked he let out a roar of disappointment "FUCK! YOU FAGGOTS SUCK!" i say How quaint into my mic. "Fuck You, You Fucking Bitch" he replies back to me. Clearly this man had a steroid sandwich for breakfast. while i am creating my class this guy starts talking strategy. Now i am not the most strategic gamer. My idea of strategy is throwing one flash bangs instead of two. so needless to say i was pretty lost on what he was talking it about.
The game start he was all ready barking orders go here, shoot there, set up a perimeter here. It felt like work. The game ends and he is handing out compliments he even told me good job but it didn't feel like it to me. I won yes but it was the same kind of empty winning that you get beating a 10 year old in basketball. now i had a good game i went 20-5 and i won so by all accounts i should be happy and having fun. I wasn't and it was because i played to win. Don't get me wrong it is not as if i don't try to win, but when i put my disc in my console my goal is to have fun. Winning can be fun it is not the antithesis of fun, but my main goal however is to have fun not to win. They often come together but not always. I have played games like Battle Field 3 or Black Ops 2 where my team won and i hated it I games where we lost and i loved it. My friend would eventually come on later and we would play about 15 games we lost about 12 of them. We did however reach our goal of having fun each and every game. Do you guys have any story about Winning not being fun?

1 comment:

  1. I had the same thing happen to me earlier lol it doesn't hurt to win but its not everything.
